
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Development and Reporting (Carbon Footprint):

Developing a correct and complete GHG Inventory for your organization can be straight forward or a fairly complicated event, depending on the complexity of your operations, and in your preparation.

Experienced with several different GHG program protocols for reporting, Lightstone Consulting helps organizations prepare an inventory. We can support your organization’s inventory to a level that would achieve verifiable reasonable assurance, if this is required, or a level of limited assurance, depending on your needs. Programs that Lightstone can help you with include The Climate Registry, Carbon Disclosure Project, Elements of GRI reporting, and other national and international GHG programs for both inventory and offset projects. Lightstone Consulting brings needed expertise, efficiency and a methodology for greenhouse gas accounting that is commiserate with your organization’s needs.

Lightstone, in general, bases our work around GHG reporting around ISO 14064, an international standard for GHG accounting. Wolf is not only expert in this standard, but several other reporting protocols. This includes the General Reporting Protocol from The Climate Registry, Reporting requirements for British Colombia, CA,

Further, Lightstone will help organizations integrate needed documentation, reports and evidence as part of a GHG Inventory Management System (IMP).  The IMP is the ongoing road map for reproducing the same quality, completeness and accuracy of your emissions report, year to year. In management system parlance, Plan, Do, Check, is a matter of course, in your standalone GHG management system, or as an integral part of your daily operations.

Applying what we learn from our emissions inventory is the next critical step. It’s in these details that a true sustainability effort can take form. Please see Lightstone’s Environmental Management System service offer.